5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Protein Supplements - News18

Mixing protein powder adequately is the key, as it can form lumps in no time, which is why it needs to be mixed properly

Mixing protein powder adequately is the key, as it can form lumps in no time, which is why it needs to be mixed properly

Protein cannot be consumed in any way you deem fit. One needs to be very mindful of consuming protein

Protein greatly helps in weight loss, muscle building, and boosting skin health, and thus has become a favourite macronutrient for many fitness enthusiasts. However, this doesn’t indicate that it could be consumed in any random way preferred.

Here are 5 common mistakes that Dr. Shri Iyer, Head of Nutrition Science, BUILD., has listed below that people must avoid to achieve their fitness goals faster.

Not consuming protein at the right time

One must fix the proper timing for consuming protein shakes; it is very important. Consuming protein shakes close to meals is not at all recommended. Besides, never consume a protein shake hours prior to or post workout. Having a protein shake within 30-40 minutes of a workout is ideal. One should have it before or after a workout session.

Substandard quality

Consuming too much or too little protein powder can be a trouble for your health. Protein powder quality depends primarily on your gym goals and body weight. If you have just begun working out, you can start with ½ scoops of protein powder for 3-4 days to see if it suits your body or not, as some people complain of bloating and indigestion after consuming a protein shake. However, if it suits you, then you can shift to consuming 1-2 scoops a day, depending on your requirements.

Not mixing properly

Mixing protein powder adequately is the key, as it can form lumps in no time, which is why it needs to be mixed properly. Make sure that you do not overfill the shaker, as it will be challenging to dissolve the powder properly in water. Fill it 3/4th or halfway, and then shake the concoction properly. One can also use a blender to create a smooth drink.

Not keeping yourself hydrated

Protein digestion and synthesis require sufficient hydration. Several individuals overlook the significance of drinking enough water while consuming protein supplements. You should always aim to consume enough fluids throughout the day for overall hydration and adequate protein absorption.

Excessive use of Protein post workout

This is a myth that says more is always better. Our bodies cannot absorb excess protein, so consuming too much can possibly lead to one gaining weight as excess fat gets accumulated in the body. For any average human being with a moderately active lifestyle, 25 grammes of protein (which is equal to 10 grammes of crucial amino acids) is equivalent to appropriate protein synthesis. If you exercise a lot or play sports regularly, aim to consume 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. Take into account factors like the intensity of your workouts, your daily diet, gender, and overall health when determining your protein needs.

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