Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das on Wednesday said inflation has moderated, and the next print is expected to be lower than 4.7 per cent though there is no room for complacency and the war on inflation will continue. Retail inflation fell to an 18-month low of 4.7 per cent in April, mainly due to cooling food prices. “Inflation has moderated (and) the last print is 4.7 per cent. Perhaps the next print could be lower,” he said while addressing CII members here. The governor, however, emphasised that although inflation has moderated, there is no room for complacency. Also Read: India’s GDP Growth Could Be Above 7% in FY23, Says RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das He said that inflation was looking benign, but the sudden outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war changed the situation, resulting in a disruption in the global supply chain and firming up global commodity prices. He assured that the war against inflation is not over and the RBI will remain alert to evolving situations. Dr...