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Girls still sidelined in Argentine football | The Express Tribune

[ad_1] BUENOS AIRES: In Argentina, a country obsessed with football and the proud holder of three World Cup titles, women have yet to be fully welcomed into the beautiful game. With some recent social advances for women in the overwhelmingly Catholic South American country – with elective abortion legalized in 2020 – the game of Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona has slowly started to open up too. But progress has been slow. It was only four years ago, in 2019, that Argentine women's football was declared semi-professional – meaning players can make a partial living off the sport. It is not yet a career. "We suffer abuses and our rights are not respected," says the Pibas con Pelotas (Girls with Balls) organization of players and coaches fighting for equal treatment. With little money for women's soccer, "we continue to wear the clothing left over from male football and we do not have physical space or equipment for training," it states on its webs