
Showing posts with the label mentalhealth

Mind-Skin Connection: Expert Shares How Emotions Impact Your Skin Health And Vice-Versa

[ad_1] Our skin, the largest organ in the human body, often serves as a mirror reflecting our emotional and mental state. This intricate interplay between our skin health and mental well-being is the focus of a burgeoning field known as psychodermatology. In this article, we delve into the profound connection between our emotional state and the health of our skin. In an exclusive interview with Dr Manasi Shirolikar, Consultant Dermatologist and Founder of Online Consulting Brand talks about the the connection between skin health and mental health and how our skin tell us more about our emotional state than anything else. Stress and its Impact on Skin Health Stress, anxiety, and other emotional upheavals can significantly affect our skin, leading to various dermatological concerns. Stress, being one of the primary culprits, triggers a cascade of responses in the body, releasing hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels can contribute to skin issues s

7 Hidden Risks Related To Obesity Every Woman Planning For Pregnancy Should Know

[ad_1] Pregnancy-related obesity brings with it complicated issues that demand extensive understanding and preventive care. It is critical to highlight the complex concerns that obesity in mothers poses to both the growing fetus and the expecting mother. The implications of maternal obesity extend beyond pregnancy, impacting the long-term health of both the mother and child. Understanding these complexities is crucial for effective intervention and management. According to the WHO, more than 1 billion people globally are suffering from obesity – 650 million adults, 340 million youth, and 39 million children. In a place where more than one-third of the population is obese, highlighting the adverse effects of this epidemic is of immense importance. How Obesity Affects Female Reproductive Health Dr Garima Sawhney, Senior Gynaecologist and Co-founder, Pristyn Care shares, "Maternal obesity increases the likelihood of experiencing a few issues throughout pregnancy. The prim

Managing Workplace Stress: Effective Tips For Employers And Employees, Experts Share

[ad_1] Implementing flexible work schedules and promoting work-life balance are effective strategies that can help in stress management at workplace. Regular breaks and mindfulness practices can alleviate stress. By fostering a collaborative approach, employers and employees can work together to create a harmonious workplace that prioritizes mental well-being.  "Addressing work-induced stress necessitates a collective and comprehensive approach, involving both managers and employees. To effectively promote mental well-being in the workplace, it is essential to establish a supportive and empathetic environment that encourages open dialogues on mental health," says Abha Dandekar CEO & Founder, Elephant in the Room. Managers play a crucial role in setting the tone, leading by example by prioritizing work-life balance, acknowledging individual well-being, and providing the necessary resources for stress management and resilience building. Psychologist Apurva Sing

Women With Mental Health Problems Twice At Risk Of Developing Cervical Cancer: Study

[ad_1] Women with mental illness, neuropsychiatric disability, or substance abuse run more than twice the risk of developing cervical cancer, as they are less likely to go for gynaecological smear tests, according to a study published in The Lancet Public Health. The researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, stressed the importance of proactively approaching these women as a preventative measure against cervical cancer. The observational study included over four million women born between 1940 and 1995. In the women, the researchers compared women diagnosed by a specialist with mental illness, neuropsychiatric disability, or substance abuse with women without such diagnoses. They then calculated the risk of cervical cancer and precancerous cervical lesions, including their participation in screening programs for cervical cancer. "Our results suggest that women with these diagnoses participate more seldom in screening programs at the same time as they have a higher i

The key to finding happiness

[ad_1] Marion Benedek, K.C. Rice, Helen Chardack and Susan Shapiro have been taking ceramics classes together at the 92nd Street Y for almost a lifetime. This tight-knit group of New York City potters puts a unique spin on something we all desperately want: happiness. They call their ceramics get-togethers their happy place. Shapiro, who'd been coming here since 1971, said, "It's really been a place of meditation and friendship." "I feel very free when I come here, and I am creating," said Benedek, who started around 1981. "No one's demanding of you." Rice, who retired in 2000, started the following year. "I'm the oldest one here, and I'm the most newbie with regard to clay," she said. But what binds them is much more than clay; it's something intangible. "You get a sense of belonging," Chardack said. "And in the belonging, there's a security, there's

Bullying And Its Impact On Mental Health: 8 Ways To Heal And Build Resilience

[ad_1] Bullying's impact on mental health can resonate throughout a person's life, causing anxiety, depression, and diminished self-esteem.  Overcoming this trauma necessitates a multi-faceted approach. Seeking professional therapy, like cognitive-behavioral therapy, can aid in processing and healing.  Cultivating a strong support network, engaging in self-care routines, and practicing resilience-building activities bolster mental well-being. Education and advocacy, promoting anti-bullying initiatives, foster understanding and prevention. Encouraging open dialogue about mental health reduces stigma.  Ultimately, empowerment through self-acceptance and understanding that one's worth is not defined by past experiences is pivotal to healing and moving forward. According to Christie Saju, Counselling Psychologist at Lissun- Mental Health Platform talks about the impact of bullying on mental health and what can be some effective ways to overcome it. Bullying is

5 Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety And Improve Mental Well-Being

[ad_1] In today's fast-paced world, anxiety has become a common issue affecting millions of people. While medication and therapy are effective treatments, there are several natural approaches that can help alleviate anxiety and promote better mental well-being. Incorporating these natural strategies into your daily life can contribute to a significant reduction in anxiety levels and an overall improvement in your mental well-being. Here are five ways to reduce anxiety naturally: Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness meditation is a powerful technique that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Research has shown that regular mindfulness practice can reduce anxiety levels significantly. By paying attention to your breath and the sensations in your body, you can learn to manage anxious thoughts and feelings more effectively. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a natural anxiety reducer. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins,

6 Benefits Of Meditation: Here’s How Meditation Can Help In Career Growth

[ad_1] In today's fast-paced and competitive world, finding ways to excel in your career has never been more critical. While traditional strategies like networking and skill development are essential, an often-overlooked tool for career growth is meditation. This ancient practice, once associated primarily with spiritual pursuits, has gained widespread recognition for its profound impact on professional success.  Meditation is a powerful tool that can significantly contribute to your career growth and success. By improving focus, reducing stress, boosting creativity, and enhancing emotional intelligence, meditation equips you with the skills needed to thrive in today's competitive job market. Incorporating meditation into your daily life can pave the way for a more fulfilling and prosperous career journey. Here are six ways meditation can help you advance in your career. Improved Focus and Concentration Meditation enhances your ability to concentrate on tasks. By

Positive Interactions With Friends Can Make You Happier and Less Stressed, says Study

[ad_1] By the end of the day, talking to a buddy only once to catch up, have a little fun, or let them know you`re thinking about them can make you happier and less stressed. These are among co-authored by University of Kansas professor of Communication Studies and friendship expert Jeffrey Hall. "Quality Conversation Can Increase Daily Well-Being" was published in the journal Communication Research by Hall and co-authors Amanda Holmstrom, Natalie Pennington, Evan Perrault and Daniel Totzkay. The study was informed by and provides further support for Hall`s Communicate Bond Belong (CBB) theory of relationships. Hall is the director of KU`s Relationships and Technology Lab. "This paper was an attempt to define quality communication in the context of relationships," Hall said. "The types of communication we chose to study were ones shown in past research to make people feel more bonded through conversation." There were seven: 1. Catching up

The ADHD drug market is already stretched thin. Now it's facing a back-to-school supply strain

[ad_1] Ten milligram tablets of the hyperactivity drug, Adderall, made by Shire Plc. Jb Reed | Bloomberg | Getty Images It's been 10 months since the Food and Drug Administration first announced a nationwide shortage of Adderall — one of the most widely used medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — and the supply strain could potentially worsen in the months ahead. While some supply issues have improved, many Americans are still struggling to find and fill prescriptions for the drug and other medications for ADHD that they often rely on to stay focused and complete daily tasks. Drug-shortage experts told CNBC that it's extremely difficult to forecast how much longer the shortages will last because of the lack of transparency in the pharmaceutical industry — and some are concerned about market conditions as children, who are commonly affected by ADHD, head back to school.  "Unfortunately, we might see the shortage worsen. We are heading into

Why a Healthy and Satisfying Sex Life is Good for Your Mental Health

[ad_1] According to the mental health expert, the fundamentals of healthy sexual behaviour include self-respect, respect for others, honesty, and a sense of safety and freedom for both partners to choose and express themselves Understanding the connection between sex and mental health is essential for promoting overall well-being and addressing any related health issue that may arise Sex and mental health are two important aspects of human life. Did you know both are connected? Sex can have a positive impact on your mental health. It can also have negative effects, particularly when it comes to issues such as sexual trauma, performance anxiety, and relationship problems. Good mental health can improve sexual function, desire, and satisfaction. Understanding the connection between sex and mental health is essential for promoting overall well-being and addressing any related health issue that may arise. This topic has gained increasing attention in recent years, as more people seek

Frequent Headaches Linked To Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers, Says Study

[ad_1] The study, published in the online issue of the medical journal Neurology, does not prove that bullying or thoughts of suicide cause headaches, but shows an association. “Headaches are a common problem for teenageragers, but our study looked beyond the biological factors to also consider the psychological and social factors that are associated with headaches,” said Serena L. Orr, from the University of Calgary in Canada. “Our findings suggest that bullying and attempting or considering suicide may be linked to frequent headaches in teenageragers, independent of mood and anxiety disorders." The study involved more than 2.2 million teenagers with an average age of 14 years. Of the total participants, 0.5 per cent self-reported being gender diverse, meaning being transgender or self-reporting as being gender diverse including being gender nonbinary. Of the participants, 11 per cent reported having frequent, recurring headaches, defined as headaches occurring mor

World Sickle Cell Awareness Day: Living With SCD Can Be Emotionally Challenging For Patients, Families - Expert Explains

[ad_1] Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), a complex condition that hits individuals physically, and emotionally, can be challenging to not just the patients but also to their families and caregivers. Every year June 19 is observed as Sickle Cell Disease Day with a goal to increase public knowledge and understanding of the disease, and the challenges it brings along. According to Dr Ashish Dixit, Consultant - Haematology, Haemato Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, Bengaluru, SCD is an inherited blood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is more common in individuals of African, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian descent. This condition can cause severe health complications and significantly impact the quality of life for those affected. Also read: Immune Resilience May Be The Key To Live A Longer Life: Study SCD, he says, is a complex condition that affects individuals physically, emotionally, and socially. Inc

Millions of Americans nearing retirement without savings

[ad_1] Millions of Americans nearing retirement without savings - CBS News Watch CBS News About half of all Americans ages 55 to 66 have no retirement savings, according to U.S. Census data. Janet Shamlian examines the financial struggles many face as they near retirement in the CBS News series "Retirement Ready." Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Not Now Turn On [ad_2] Source link