
Showing posts with the label womenhealth

Essential Nutrients For Females Based On Age: A Comprehensive Guide To Women Health

[ad_1] The fundamentals of good nutrition stay the same throughout a woman's life, but as she ages, her body goes through changes that may need adjusting the exact nutrients she needs.  For instance, although some vitamins and minerals are essential throughout a woman's reproductive years, others become even more crucial as she ages and her body's ability to absorb nutrients is compromised. Women may feel their best during every decade of life by understanding which nutrients are important and when. Women in their 20s and 30s: Folate, Iron, and Calcium Folate is essential for a healthy pregnancy if a woman wishes to have children since it helps guard against neural tube problems in a growing foetus. Folate collaborates closely with vitamin B12 to aid in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Low iron intake is typical for women in their 20s and 30s, and it frequently gets worse because of monthly losses brought on by a woman's menstrual c

7 Hidden Risks Related To Obesity Every Woman Planning For Pregnancy Should Know

[ad_1] Pregnancy-related obesity brings with it complicated issues that demand extensive understanding and preventive care. It is critical to highlight the complex concerns that obesity in mothers poses to both the growing fetus and the expecting mother. The implications of maternal obesity extend beyond pregnancy, impacting the long-term health of both the mother and child. Understanding these complexities is crucial for effective intervention and management. According to the WHO, more than 1 billion people globally are suffering from obesity – 650 million adults, 340 million youth, and 39 million children. In a place where more than one-third of the population is obese, highlighting the adverse effects of this epidemic is of immense importance. How Obesity Affects Female Reproductive Health Dr Garima Sawhney, Senior Gynaecologist and Co-founder, Pristyn Care shares, "Maternal obesity increases the likelihood of experiencing a few issues throughout pregnancy. The prim