
Showing posts with the label Symptoms

Most common sings of depression in men - SUCH TV

[ad_1] Men, women, and people of all gender identities may experience depression at some point in their lives. Depression is a serious condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. According to study, women seem to experience depression at a higher rate than men. However, it’s thought that men may be underrepresented in these numbers. This may be due to mix of social and biological factors that make it more challenging to notice and diagnose depression in men. They may also feel culturally pressured to act “manly” by hiding their emotions. Because of this, it’s more common for men to have depression with symptoms that are different and sometimes harder to identify. If you think that you or someone you love may be struggling with depression, read on to learn about the signs and symptoms that men may experience and what you can do next. Physical symptoms of depression in men Men with depression may first notice its physical effects. While depression is thought

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Diabetic retinopathy symptoms: 1 in 4 people with diabetes have this sight-threatening condition; note the early warning signs | The Times of India

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