Kids Likely To Develop Mental Health Problems Due To Harsh Discipline: Study
Do you often shout at your kids or isolate them when they misbehave? If so, your kids are more likely at risk of developing lasting mental health problems, according to a new study. The study of over 7,500 Irish children, reported in the journal Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, showed that children exposed to `hostile` parenting at age three were 1.5 times likelier than their peers to have mental health symptoms that qualified as `high risk` by age nine.
"The fact that one in 10 children were in the high-risk category for mental health problems is a concern and we ought to be aware of the part parenting may play in that," said Ioannis Katsantonis, a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge in the UK. "We are not for a moment suggesting that parents should not set firm boundaries for their children's behaviour, but it is difficult to justify frequent harsh discipline, given the implications for mental health...