
Showing posts with the label kids

Children With Autism Have Broad Memory Difficulties: Study

[ad_1] According to new Stanford School of Medicine research, children with autism have memory issues that limit not only their ability to remember faces but also their capacity to retain other types of information. The study discovered that these deficits are represented in unique wiring patterns in the children's brains. The research, which will be published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, clarifies a debate about memory function in kids with autism, showing that their memory struggles surpass their ability to form social memories. The finding should prompt broader thinking about autism in children and about treatment of the developmental disorder, according to the scientists who conducted the study. “Many high-functioning kids with autism go to mainstream schools and receive the same instruction as other kids,” said lead author Jin Liu, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar in psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Memory is a key predictor of aca

Pediatrician and father of 5 shares his No. 1 secret to raise happy, successful kids | The Times of India

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