
Showing posts with the label fitness

People live longer if they workout in the afternoon, claims study - Times of India

[ad_1] People who can’t wake up early but work out during lunch hour can celebrate! A new study says that your mid-afternoon exercises may cut the chances of early death more than morning or nighttime workouts. The research, released on February 18 in Nature Communications, examined 92,000 individuals and their demographic and health information from a UK biomedical database. Accelerometers recorded the participants for seven days and tracked when and how hard they worked out. Over several years, researchers examined mortality statistics and discovered that over 3,000 (or 3%) of the participants had passed away, with approximately 1,000 succumbing to heart disease and 1,800 to cancer. Compared to individuals who exercise in the evening and morning, people who worked out in the mid-afternoon had a lower risk of early death, both from heart disease and generally. The results remained the same for those who frequently changed the timings of their workout routine and had "mixed&

Healthy Diet: Nutritious Food Intake In Early Life Matters In Ageing Gracefully, Says Study

[ad_1] Yeast are good model organisms for studying ageing as they share many of the same cellular machinery as animals and humans. According to researchers at the Babraham Institute in UK, healthy ageing is achievable through dietary change without restriction by potentially optimising diet, and that ill-health is not an inevitable part of the ageing process. Scientists have long known that caloric restriction -- intentionally consuming far less calories than normal without becoming malnourished -- improves health in later life and may even extend life.  However, studies in mice show that caloric restriction really needs to be maintained throughout life to achieve this impact, and the health benefits disappear when a normal diet is resumed.  The new research, published in the journal PLOS Biology, conducted in yeast suggests an alternative to calorie restriction can lead to improved health through the lifecycle. “We show that diet in early life can switch yeast onto a

Importance of Gargling For Sore Throat and Other Respiratory illnesses

[ad_1] Gargling has been a common practice in India since ancient times, and rinsing the mouth with water after meals is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. This practice has been passed down from generation to generation and is still widely followed today. Regular gargling is considered a beneficial habit that helps keep the mouth clean and healthy. It helps to remove food particles, bacteria, and other debris from the mouth, reducing the risk of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, it can help freshen the breath and promote overall oral health. In India, the tradition of gargling and rinsing the mouth with water after meals is deeply rooted in culture and has become a daily ritual for many. It is often accompanied by the use of natural substances such as neem leaves or turmeric powder, which are believed to have antimicrobial properties. Overall, regular gargling and mouth rinsing are important habits that can help promote good oral hygiene