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If You Sleep Well, You Might Live Longer: Study

[ad_1] According to recent research being presented at the American College of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session Along With the World Congress of Cardiology, getting enough sleep can boost your heart and general health - and possibly even how long you live. According to the study, young people who sleep better had a somewhat lower risk of dying young. Furthermore, the statistics imply that irregular sleep habits may account for around 8 per cent of deaths from any cause. "We saw a clear dose-response relationship, so the more beneficial factors someone has in terms of having a higher quality of sleep, they also have a stepwise lowering of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality," said Frank Qian, MD, an internal medicine resident physician at Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center, a clinical fellow in medicine at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the study. "I think these findings emphasize that just getting enough hours of sleep isn`t sufficient. You