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Beware! Heart Attacks More Common In Winter - Heres Why; Check Dos And Donts

[ad_1] Winter means curling up under warm blankets, hot chocolate, and eating all that calorie-rich food which you are unable to have in summer. But this also means weight gain and less physical activity, which can adversely impact your heart. In extreme cases, heart attacks also happen and experts admit that the cold season increases the chances of heart attack. Reasons Why Heart Attacks Are More Common In Winter  Dr Akash Shah, Consultant Pathologist, Neuberg Supratech Reference Laboratories, shares, "Heart attacks are more common in winter due to various factors. The cold weather can constrict blood vessels, increasing blood pressure and strain on the heart. People tend to be less physically active in winter, leading to weight gain and higher cholesterol levels. Additionally, winter months often see an increase in respiratory infections, which can trigger inflammation and stress on the heart." He adds, "Seasonal changes in hormones and vitamin D deficiency m