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Japanese PM visits S Korea to boost ties amid N Korea threat - SUCH TV

[ad_1] Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has arrived in South Korea as Seoul and Tokyo seek to restart their "shuttle diplomacy" and mend ties in the face of growing nuclear threats from Pyongyang. According to international media reports, during Sunday's visit, Kishida will hold a key summit with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, who has made resetting ties with Japan a top priority for his administration. Yoon was in Tokyo in March for a fence-mending visit. Ahead of his departure, Kishida said the two leaders were working to resume so-called "shuttle diplomacy", paused for years during a bitter trade spat linked to the forced labour issue. During their March summit, Kishida and Yoon agreed to end tit-for-tat trade curbs, with Kishida inviting the South Korean leader to a G7 meeting in Hiroshima this month. Kishida said he was looking forward to "an honest exchange of views" with Yoon, "based on a relationship of trust".