UPSC IFS Final Result 2022 Announced At, How To Check - News18
The candidates' grades will be published on the Commission's website shortly (Representative Image) Under various categories, 147 individuals have been recommended for appointment in the IFS. Candidates who took the IFS Exam 2022 may check their results at The UPSC Indian Forest Service (IFS) Final Result 2022 has been released by the Union Public Service Commission. Candidates who took the Indian Forest Service Examination 2022 may see their results at, the UPSC’s official website. The IFS assessment took place from November 20 to November 27, 2022, with interviews for the Personality Test taking place in June of this year. An official announcement notifying the release of the results reads, “Based on the result of the written part of the Indian Forest Service Examination, 2022 held by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION from 20th November to 27th November 2022, and the interviews for Personality Test held in June 2023, following is the list...