
Showing posts with the label turkey

Turkish President Erdogan visits earthquake-hit south as anger grows over rescue effort - SUCH TV

[ad_1] Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan visited southern Turkey on Wednesday to see first-hand the destruction wrought by a massive earthquake as anger grew among local people over what they said was a slow government response to the rescue and relief effort. The combined confirmed death toll from Monday's quake, which struck a swathe of southern Turkey and neighbouring Syria, rose to more than 11,000 people. The tally was expected to rise as hundreds of collapsed buildings in many cities have become tombs for people who had been asleep in the homes when the quake hit in the early morning. In the Turkish city of Antakya, dozens of bodies, some covered in blankets and sheets and others in body bags, were lined up on the ground outside a hospital. "My wife doesn't speak Turkish, and I can't see very well," said one man, who did not give his name. "We have to check all the faces. We need help." Families in southern Turkey and in Syria spent a s

Footballer Atsu found dead in quake rubble | The Express Tribune

[ad_1] ISTANBUL: Former Ghana international Christian Atsu was found dead on Saturday, almost two weeks after a devastating earthquake in Turkey. Atsu, 31, was caught up in a 7.8-magnitude quake that rocked Turkey and Syria on February 6, killing more than 43,000 people in both countries. There were initial reports the former Chelsea and Newcastle player had been rescued a day after the quake, but these turned out to be false. His manager in Turkey, Murat Uzunmehmet, told DHA news agency on Saturday that his body had been found under the rubble of luxury flats that crumbled in the Turkish southern province of Hatay. "We have reached his lifeless body. His belongings are still being removed. His phone was also found," Uzunmehmet told DHA. Ghana's ministry of foreign affairs said it had "received the unfortunate news". "The elder brother and twin sister of Christian Atsu and an officer of the (Ghanaian) embassy were present at the site when the