
Showing posts with the label moscow

Russia vows to respond ‘proportionately’ to US ‘provocations’ in future - SUCH TV

[ad_1] Intensified spying by American drones near Ukraine could lead to an escalation and Russia will respond proportionally to future intelligence-gathering operations, Moscow’s defence chief has told his US counterpart. According to international media reports, the comments came in a phone conversation on Wednesday between Sergei Shoigu and Pentagon boss Lloyd Austin after the United States accused a Russian Su-27 fighter jet of colliding with one of its Reaper surveillance drones, forcing it to crash into the Black Sea. Russia denied it deliberately brought the unmanned aerial vehicle down. “It was noted that flights by American strategic lethal drones by the Crimea coastline were provocative in nature and created pre-conditions for an escalation of the situation in the Black Sea zone,” a defence ministry statement quoted Shoigu as saying. “[Russia] has no interest in such a development, but it will continue to respond proportionately to all provocations.” It was the fi

'Kill Me, But I Will Smoke': Semi-Naked Woman Creates Ruckus on Aeroflot Flight, Bit Cabin Crew

[ad_1] A  49-year-old female passenger Anzhelika Moskvitina was arrested by police for creating ruckus on an Aeroflot flight from Stavropol to Moscow. She bared her chest in front of other passengers - including children - on the flight in protest of not letting her smoke in the lavatory on the plane. As per a report on Mirror, the woman passenger was restrained with cuffs on the flight, and was handed over to the cops upon landing in Moscow. A video has surfaced on the social media platforms revealing the moment when the woman - suspected of being intoxicated - was arguing with cabin crew as they sought to pacify her. As per reports, the high drama began at a height of 33,000 ft when Anzhelika Moskvitina locked herself in the toilet and smoked while the plane was going through turbulence. When asked to back to her seat, she bared herself open in front of everyone, and demanded to enter the cockpit. As business class passengers assisted the crew to restrain her, she bit one of t

Russian spacecraft loses pressure, station crew safe - Times of India

[ad_1] MOSCOW : An uncrewed Russian supply ship docked at the International Space Station has lost cabin pressure, the Russian space corporation reported Saturday, saying the incident doesn't pose any danger to the station's crew. Roscosmos said the hatch between the station and the Progress MS-21 had been locked so the loss of pressure didn't affect the orbiting outpost. "The temperature and pressure on board the station are within norms and there is no danger to health and safety of the crew," it said in a statement. The space corporation didn't say what may have caused the cargo ship to lose pressure. Roscosmos noted that the cargo ship had already been loaded with waste prior to its scheduled disposal. The craft is set to be undocked from the station and deorbit to burn in the atmosphere on Feb. 18. The announcement came shortly after a new Russian cargo ship docked smoothly at the station on Saturday. The Progress MS-22 delivered almost three

Moscow halts UN-brokered grain deal | The Express Tribune

[ad_1] KYIV: Russia halted participation on Monday in the year-old UN-brokered deal that lets Ukraine export grain through the Black Sea, spreading a sense of dread in poorer countries where people fear price rises will put food out of reach. Hours earlier, a blast knocked out Russia’s bridge to Crimea in what Moscow called a strike by Ukrainian sea drones. Russia said two civilians were killed and their daughter wounded in what Moscow cast as a terrorist attack on the road bridge, a major artery for Russian troops fighting in Ukraine. The Kremlin said there was no link between the attack and its decision to suspend the grain deal, over what it called a failure to meet its demands to implement a parallel agreement easing rules for its own food and fertiliser exports. “Unfortunately, the part of these Black Sea agreements concerning Russia has not been implemented so far, so its effect is terminated,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call. UN Se