Electric bills to significantly rise soon | The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: ISLAMABAD. The country’s power regulator--the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Friday approved a hike in the national average power tariff by Rs4.96 per unit for the current fiscal year, in line with a condition imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). If Nepra’s decision is implemented, the electric bills of all domestic power consumers will significantly increase. For those consuming 100 units of electricity, the monthly tariff will increase from Rs13.4 to Rs18.36 per unit, resulting in a bill of Rs1,836, excluding taxes and other charges. The tariff for 200 units per month will be set at Rs23.91 per unit, causing the bill to increase from Rs3,700 to Rs4,700. Similarly, for a monthly usage of 300 units, the bill will rise from Rs6,000 to Rs8,000. Electric bill for the household using 400 units will rise from Rs10,000 to Rs12,300 per month. Those consuming 500 units will witness an increase in their electricity bill from Rs1...