
Showing posts with the label InspiringStoryOfVICCOFounder

From Door-To-Door Selling Of Tooth Powder To Establishing Rs 700-Crore 'Sampoorn Swadeshi' Brand: The Inspiring Story Of Vicco Founder

[ad_1] NEW DELHI : Who can forget jingles like "Vicco Turmeric, Nahi Cosmetic, Vicco Turmeric Ayurvedic Cream" and "Vicco Vajradanti’’ which were extremely popular during the 90s. Even today, these jingles remind us of the famous brand Vicco, which was founded by Keshav Vishnu Pendharkar in 1952. In today's highly competitive world, new products are launched in the market almost every day. However, only those products manage to create a lasting impression that come clean in the test of quality, genuineness and pricing. VICCO is one such brand which has earned people’s immense trust ever since its founders began manufacturing premium quality affordable products in a humble kitchen nearly seven decades ago. The time-tested iconic brand has since flourished into a multi-billion rupee industry. cre Trending Stories Journey From A Humble Kitchen     Vicco, which stands for Vishnu Industrial Chemical Company, was named after its founder,...