
Showing posts with the label immunesystem

Can Sleep Deprivation Cause Fertility Issues?

[ad_1] Irregular sleep patterns and inadequate sleep in women can disrupt the hormonal balance needed for ovulation and menstruation, according to a study. You may sleep better by having a pleasant nighttime habit, keeping your bedroom sleep-friendly, consuming less caffeine and alcohol, exercising frequently, and avoiding naps Irregular sleep patterns and inadequate sleep in women can disrupt the hormonal balance needed for ovulation and menstruation, according to a study “Sleep, Sleep Disturbance and Fertility in Women" published in the National Library of Medicine. According to the research, it can lead to “irregular periods and make it more difficult to conceive." Additionally, sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system and increase inflammation in the body, which can “impact fertility". For men, sleep deprivation has been linked to “reduced sperm count and quality". This is because the body produces the majority of sperm during the deep sleep stage of

7 Ways Dry Fruits Can Help In Boosting Immunity - Check Here

[ad_1] Dry fruits, packed with essential nutrients, play a crucial role in enhancing immunity. These nutrient-dense powerhouses offer a myriad of benefits that contribute to a robust immune system. Incorporating a variety of dry fruits into your daily diet can contribute to a holistic approach to immune health. However, it's essential to consume them in moderation, as they are energy-dense. Including a mix of almonds, walnuts, cashews, dried apricots, and other dry fruits provides a diverse range of nutrients, supporting different aspects of immune function. While dry fruits can complement a healthy lifestyle, overall well-being also requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. By adopting a holistic approach, you can fortify your immune system and enhance your body's ability to ward off illnesses. Also read: Dev Diwali 2023: Check Date, History, Significance, And Celebration Rich in Antioxidants: Dry fruits, such as almonds and walnuts,