
Showing posts with the label Parentingtips

​10 benefits of not yelling at your kids

[ad_1] Here are 10 reasons why you must not yell at your children even when you're angry with them. [ad_2] Source link

Mindful parenting: How to raise emotionally intelligent children | The Times of India

[ad_1] Mindful parenting is a scientifically supported approach that empowers parents to raise resilient and emotionally intelligent children. By cultivating emotional intelligence and resilience, mindful parents provide their children with the tools to navigate life's challenges successfully. Moreover, the practice of mindfulness enhances parent-child relationships, promoting a nurturing and supportive environment for the child's growth and development. As research continues to explore the benefits of mindful parenting, its impact on children's long-term well-being becomes increasingly evident. Implementing mindful parenting techniques can positively transform the lives of both parents and children, creating a future generation that is more empathetic, compassionate, and well-equipped to handle life's complexities. [ad_2] Source link

​Signs your child is feeling neglected​ | The Times of India

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Parenting Tips: Expert Explains 5 Ways To Deal With Your Child's Junk Food Consumption

[ad_1] When you have a child, each tiny milestone of theirs brings you happiness and joy. Be it the first time they grab your finger or the first few steps they take, each development makes your heart leap with joy. But, with each new step, parents are also constantly worried about their health and well-being. Parenting is often challenging and takes ample hard work and responsibilities, especially for the new parents as the formative years of children hold the utmost importance to shape their lives.  One of the biggest worries of a parent is to make their kids eat nutritious and healthy meals that help them to grow. However, Kids often get fussy and demand junk food with unhealthy fats and added sugars. They also increase children’s chances of developing childhood obesity which causes multiple risk factors for many health complications in later life. Dr Pallavi Rao Chaturvedi, a parenting coach, educator, and founder of Get Set Parent shares few ideas to raise your kids in a