
Showing posts with the label healthproblems

Can Genes Make People Prone To Allergies? Here’s What Study Reveals

[ad_1] The scientific understanding of why some people are more susceptible to allergies than others is being strengthened by new studies. The University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine researchers discovered how genetic variations that change a particular protein called ETS1 can affect how our bodies react to allergens. They discovered that in an animal model, even minor alterations in ETS1 can enhance the likelihood of allergic reactions that result in inflammation. The results were reported in Immunity. Allergies are the sixth most common cause of chronic illness in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, costing the country more than USD 18 billion annually.  It is still unknown how our DNA can alter our chances of acquiring an allergy, despite the fact that prior research has proven a strong genetic basis for allergies and discovered specific genetic sequence differences that predispose for these chronic diseases.

Monsoon Infections: 6 Common Health Diseases During Rainy Days - Expert Explains

[ad_1] As the clouds gather and raindrops fall, announcing the arrival of the monsoon season, a host of infectious diseases make their presence known, posing significant health challenges to communities worldwide. With its favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogens and the spread of infections, the monsoon season demands heightened awareness and proactive measures to safeguard public health. During the monsoon season, there is an increased risk of various infections and diseases due to the humid and wet environment that promotes the growth of microorganisms. The monsoon season poses several health risks due to increased moisture and the proliferation of infectious agents.  It is essential to follow preventive measures like maintaining personal hygiene, eliminating stagnant water, using mosquito repellents, and practicing food safety to minimize the risk of infections and diseases during this time. cre Trending Stories Dr Mukesh Mehra, Director - Internal Medici