Yuzu fruit is the latest obsession of beauty world - Times of India

Yuzu is a citrus fruit native to East Asia. It is a hybrid between two species of citrus: sour mandarin and Ichang papeda. The fruit is yellow-green in color and is about the size of a tangerine. Yuzu has a tart, acidic flavor that is similar to a mix of grapefruit and lime. It is often used to add a unique flavor to sauces, dressings, drinks, and desserts.
Beauty benefits of yuzu fruit?
1. Rich in Vitamin C: Yuzu fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, containing twice as much as lemons and five times more than oranges. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect skin from free radicals and sun damage.

2. Moisturizes Skin: Yuzu fruit is rich in polyphenols, which help keep skin hydrated and moisturized.
3. Cleanses Skin: The vitamin C and polyphenols in yuzu fruit help to cleanse and detoxify the skin, removing impurities and toxins.

4. Enhances Skin Tone: Yuzu fruit helps to brighten and even out skin tone. It can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and discoloration.

5. Prevents Acne: The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of yuzu fruit help to prevent acne and other skin infections.

How to use yuzu in your beauty routines?
1. Use yuzu in your face mask. You can create a homemade face mask by combining yuzu juice, honey, and yogurt. The combination of these ingredients will help to hydrate, nourish, and brighten your skin.

2. Use yuzu in your body scrub. Create a luxurious body scrub by combining yuzu juice, brown sugar, and olive oil. The combination of these ingredients will help to exfoliate, moisturize, and nourish your skin.

3. Use yuzu in your bath. Add a few drops of yuzu essential oil to your bathwater to help relax your body and mind.

4. Use yuzu in your hair. You can create a nourishing hair mask by combining yuzu juice, honey, and avocado. The combination of these ingredients will help to nourish, strengthen, and add shine to your hair.

5. Use yuzu in your lip care. Create a nourishing lip scrub by combining yuzu juice, sugar, and coconut oil. The combination of these ingredients will help to exfoliate, moisturize, and nourish your lips.

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