The bizarre story behind Princess Margaret and modern horoscopes
Stay ahead of the trend in fashion and beyond with our free weekly Lifestyle Edit newsletter Stay ahead of the trend in fashion and beyond with our free weekly Lifestyle Edit newsletter The study of astrology and the information celestial events and movements can allegedly foretell about our daily lives has been around long before millennials became interested in the alignment of the stars at the moments of their births and what it means to be a Scorpio. However, modern horoscopes aren’t as ancient a practice as you may have thought, as they actually found their way into newspapers, and subsequently popular culture, around the 1930s, with the birth of Queen Elizabeth II’s younger sister, Princess Margaret . According to The Washington Post , following Princess Margaret’s birth on 21 August 1930, John Gordon, the editor of the British newspaper the Sunday Express , wanted a unique story to go along with the royal birth, so he commissioned a celebrity astrologer. The newsp...