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Love lessons to take from Riteish Deshmukh & Genelia D'Souza | The Times of India

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Zodiacs which are the most pessimistic | The Times of India

[ad_1] Cancer individuals are known for their sensitivity and emotional depth. While their compassionate nature is a positive trait, it can also make them more pessimistic. This zodiac sign tends to dwell on past hurts and can have a fear of rejection, which can lead to a negative outlook on life and relationships. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces are comparatively positive people. Even if life gives them lemons, they make sure that they make the best lemonade with them. Read also: "My wife suffocates me" Read also: 5 zodiac signs who are the most spiritual [ad_2] Source link

Weekly horoscope: 3rd to 9th July 2023 | The Times of India

[ad_1] This week, Gemini, you should value your sensitivity and encourage your creative and intuitive sides. This could be done through any type of creative expression that speaks to you, including writing, music, and painting. Career: Your communication skills will shine in the workplace. Express your ideas clearly and confidently. You won't be reluctant to make a stand. However, just be cautious about how far you take a minor disagreement. If you push a coworker or manager too far, you'll get into problems with your superiors. Money: This week, the business could yield some substantial profits for you. You'll come across several profitable opportunities and take advantage of them wisely. If you work for a company, you might be promoted and given significant duties. Love: In matters of the heart, you are very sincere. One of the people you love, though, might harm you. Being in a relationship requires caution since your partner can try to emotionally weaken you. Try