
Showing posts with the label Health

Health Benefits of Almonds: 7 Reasons Almonds Should be a Must in Your Morning Routine

[ad_1] Benefits of eating almonds everyday: Almonds are the earliest cultivated trees, having been domesticated in Jordan between 3000 and 2000 BC. They are also high in proteins, fibre, and minerals. Almonds can control blood sugar and lower your risk of developing cholesterol. Almonds are considered good for your health, you should assess whether this is true for you.  Here are 7 reasosns you should add this nut to your daily diet. 1. Aids weight loss Compared to other foods, almonds include more protein, fibre, and less carbohydrates, which helps you feel satiated for shorter periods of time. This also helps to reduce the daily calorie intake. 2. Happy healthy heart Almonds and other nuts are great for your heart when eaten together. Blood sugar levels are supposed to be balanced and controlled by almond eating. This is because almonds, which you should consume a handful of every day, contain magnesium.   Also Read: Foods rich in fibre content- add these item

Mysterious illness triggered by tick bite could affect thousands, yet many doctors are unaware of it

[ad_1] A little-known, life-threatening food allergy that is triggered by a tick bite could be affecting hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on Thursday.  The condition is called Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS) — also known as the "red-meat allergy" or the "tick bite meat allergy." It begins with a bite from the Lone Star tick, found primarily in Southeastern and Eastern states.  The tick’s saliva contains a sugar molecule called alpha-gal, which is injected into the body with the bite. This triggers allergies to certain types of red meat (primarily pork, beef, rabbit, lamb or venison) or products made from mammals (including cheese, milk, other dairy products and gelatin). TICK BITES AND LYME DISEASE: WHAT TO DO IF A TICK BITES YOU OR YOUR PET When people eat any foods containing the allergens, they can experience serious allergy symptoms within a few h

Providers struggle to get latest Covid shots into arms amid early supply issues

[ad_1] New vaccine COMIRNATY® by Pfizer, available at CVS Pharmacy in Eagle Rock, California. Irfan Khan | Los Angeles Times | Getty Images It's déjà vu for some Americans looking for the latest Covid-19 vaccines. Certain people who were lucky enough to snag an appointment for the latest formulation are receiving cancellation notices or showing up to learn there isn't a dose available for them. Some are being told they need to pay more than $100 out of pocket because their insurance provider isn't covering the shots yet. The majority of CVS locations are able to honor scheduled appointments, but delivery delays to some stores are causing them to reschedule shots, a CVS spokesperson said in a statement. Most Walgreens stores have enough supply for existing appointments and more slots are being made available as the shots come in, a spokesperson said. Vaccine manufacturers Moderna and Pfizer said they have shipped millions of doses since the new versions were approve

Balasana To Sirsasana: 7 Yoga Asanas To Relieve Sinus Symptoms

[ad_1] Are sinus symptoms causing you discomfort and congestion? Instead of reaching for over-the-counter remedies, consider turning to yoga as a natural and effective way to alleviate sinus congestion, headaches, and discomfort. Yoga offers gentle, soothing poses that can help drain mucus, improve circulation, and provide relief from sinus-related issues.  Maintaining overall wellness through a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and getting adequate rest can complement your yoga practice and contribute to long-term relief from sinus symptoms. Incorporating these yoga asanas into your daily routine can provide natural relief from sinus issues and promote overall well-being. By practicing regularly and mindfully, you can find comfort and clarity even amidst sinus discomfort.  Also read: 5 Yoga Asanas To Beat Constipation And Promote Digestive Health Here are seven yoga asanas to help you find relief: Child's Pose (Balasana): Start with Child's Pose to relax an

C.D.C. Warns of a Resurgence of Mpox

[ad_1] With Pride events scheduled worldwide over the coming weeks, U.S. officials are bracing for a return of mpox, the infectious disease formerly called monkeypox that struck tens of thousands of gay and bisexual men worldwide in 2022. A combination of behavioral changes and vaccination quelled that outbreak, but a majority of those at risk have not yet been immunized. On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned of a deadlier version of mpox that is ravaging the Democratic Republic of Congo and urged people at risk to be vaccinated as soon as possible. No cases of that subtype have been identified outside Africa so far. But the escalating epidemic in Congo nevertheless poses a global threat, just as infections in Nigeria set off the 2022 outbreak, experts said. “This is a very important example of how an infection anywhere is potentially an infection everywhere, and why we need to continue to improve disease surveillance globally,” said Anne Rimoin, an

Is Loss Of Appetite An Indication Of Early Signs Of Kidney Disease? Expert Shares Underlying Causes

[ad_1] Decreased appetite, also known as poor appetite or loss of appetite, refers to a reduced desire to eat. The medical term for this is anorexia. Various mental and physical health issues can lead to decreased appetite, which may be accompanied by symptoms like weight loss or malnutrition. If not treated, these symptoms can pose serious health risks. Therefore, it's important to identify the underlying cause of decreased appetite and address it promptly. Dr Manoharan B, Senior Consultant – Nephrology, Manipal Hospital Varthur Road & Whitefield, Bengaluru shares how a decreased appetite can be indictive of early signs of kidney damage and diseases. Symptoms of Decreased Appetite Several conditions can cause decreased appetite. Typically, once the underlying condition is treated, appetite tends to return to normal. However, if left untreated, decreased appetite can lead to more severe symptoms given by Dr Manoharan: - extreme fatigue - weight loss - a rap

Managing High Blood Sugar To Controlling High Blood Pressure - 7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

[ad_1] It's not just a beverage to be sipped on a beach, even though that feels definitely wonderful! Coconut water has been a popular natural beverage in India and apart from being yummy, it is good for health too. Packed with important nutrients, coconut water has many health benefits - it can be a soothing drink after a tiring day, can provide hydration, aid in weight loss, and help manage hypertension and diabetes. Let's check out some health benefits of coconut water. 1. Boosts Energy Rich in minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants, coconut water is a big-time energy booster. This is an ideal natural alternative to any sports drink. If you sip on coconut water during a workout session, it prevents dehydration and rejuvenates a person. 2. High Blood Sugar Control Coconut water might help diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels in check. It's rich in magnesium, which can improve insulin sensitivity and in turn, lower blood sugar levels in people with T

The Urban Farming Revolution: Reshaping Access to Local Produce - News18

[ad_1] Urban Farming & Local Produce are two trends that are bringing nature close to us Urban farming transforms vacant lots, rooftops, and small spaces into vibrant, green oases, contributing to healthier cities and a more sustainable food system In the hustle and bustle of city life, we often find ourselves yearning for a slice of nature, a breath of fresh air, and most importantly, some crisp, farm-fresh goodies to savour. Urban Farming & Local Produce are two trends that are bringing nature close to us. Urban farming, a growing trend, involves cultivating crops and raising livestock within city limits. It promotes sustainability, reduces food miles, and increases access to fresh, locally grown produce. This practice not only supports self-sufficiency but also strengthens the community by fostering a connection between residents and their food sources. Urban farming transforms vacant lots, rooftops, and small spaces into vibrant, green oases, contributing to healthier

U.S. sees biggest rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations since December

[ad_1] Weekly COVID-19 hospitalizations have risen by more than 10% across the country, according to new data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, marking the largest percent increase in this key indicator of the virus since December. At least 7,109 admissions of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were reported for the week of July 15 nationwide, the CDC said late Monday, up from 6,444 during the week before.  Another important hospital metric has also been trending up in recent weeks: an average of 0.73% of the past week's emergency room visits had COVID-19 as of July 21, up from 0.49% through June 21. The new figures come after months of largely slowing COVID-19 trends nationwide since the last wave of infections over the winter. "COVID-19 indicators, including hospital admissions, emergency department visits, test positivity, and wastewater levels, are increasing nationally," the CDC said in an update

Can Read Meat Consumption Lead To Colon Cancer: Doctor Shares Facts, Debunks Popular Myths

[ad_1] Red meat has come under a lot scanner in the recent past and meat lovers have often become anxious as different reports about possible health adversities due to red meat consumption have been flung at their faces. One such report claims that eating red meat will definitely lead to colon cancer. Sharing her insights on the topic, Dr Pooja Babbar, Consultant, Medical Oncology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, says, "Red meat isn't a guaranteed cause of colon cancer. However, there's a clear link between high intake and increased risk. Moderating your red meat consumption and focusing on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is recommended for overall health and cancer prevention." Some studies have suggested an increased risk of colon cancer associated with high consumption of red and processed meats. Red meat contains heme iron, which may contribute to the formation of N-nitroso compounds in the colon, and cooking meat at high temperat

Want To Maintain A Good Posture? Yoga Asanas And Tips To Help Improve Body Structure

[ad_1] As we gracefully navigate through the decades of life, certain changes become inevitable, and one aspect that subtly transforms is our posture. Beyond the age of 30, a series of gradual shifts occur, impacting our height, gait, and overall spinal alignment. On average, individuals experience a loss of about half an inch in height every decade from their peak, with this reduction becoming more pronounced after the age of 70. According to Dr Rajeev Rajesh, Chief Yoga Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute, "A key player in this evolution is the change in intervertebral discs – gelatin-like cartilage between each vertebra - that tends to harden and lose flexibility with age, leading to spinal curvature and a forward tilt known as kyphosis." Here is a detailed interaction with Dr Rajeev on how to improve your posture and different yoga asanas that can help ease the foundational poses for a better body structure as you age: How Yoga Enhances Posture Yoga, a compr

5 superfoods to boost men's reproductive health - check complete list

[ad_1] By Avantii Deshpaande If you and your partner are experiencing infertility problems, you are not alone! According to studies, about one in every six couples go through fertility issues due to the male partner.  While infertility in men cannot always be treated, there are several changes you can make to your diet in order to boost your reproductive health and increase your chances of conceiving. A healthy lifestyle, in addition to supplements and a balanced diet, can be associated with better fertility levels.  Superfoods to boost fertility in men Here are five all-natural products you might already have in your kitchen that can help increase your sperm count and boost fertility:  1. Leafy greens  Leafy green vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, Colocasia, coriander, etc., are rich in folates and Vitamin B9, playing a vital role in spermatogenesis and can improve the quality of the sperm. Broccoli, Brussels, sprouts, beans, avocados, mushrooms, bananas, oranges

Importance of Gargling For Sore Throat and Other Respiratory illnesses

[ad_1] Gargling has been a common practice in India since ancient times, and rinsing the mouth with water after meals is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. This practice has been passed down from generation to generation and is still widely followed today. Regular gargling is considered a beneficial habit that helps keep the mouth clean and healthy. It helps to remove food particles, bacteria, and other debris from the mouth, reducing the risk of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, it can help freshen the breath and promote overall oral health. In India, the tradition of gargling and rinsing the mouth with water after meals is deeply rooted in culture and has become a daily ritual for many. It is often accompanied by the use of natural substances such as neem leaves or turmeric powder, which are believed to have antimicrobial properties. Overall, regular gargling and mouth rinsing are important habits that can help promote good oral hygiene

Infected blood: Hundreds of victims living with undetected hepatitis C

[ad_1] About 1,750 people are unaware they caught hepatitis C from infected blood, BBC analysis reveals. [ad_2] Source link

Can Sleep Deprivation Cause Fertility Issues?

[ad_1] Irregular sleep patterns and inadequate sleep in women can disrupt the hormonal balance needed for ovulation and menstruation, according to a study. You may sleep better by having a pleasant nighttime habit, keeping your bedroom sleep-friendly, consuming less caffeine and alcohol, exercising frequently, and avoiding naps Irregular sleep patterns and inadequate sleep in women can disrupt the hormonal balance needed for ovulation and menstruation, according to a study “Sleep, Sleep Disturbance and Fertility in Women" published in the National Library of Medicine. According to the research, it can lead to “irregular periods and make it more difficult to conceive." Additionally, sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system and increase inflammation in the body, which can “impact fertility". For men, sleep deprivation has been linked to “reduced sperm count and quality". This is because the body produces the majority of sperm during the deep sleep stage of

Efforts to eradicate Guinea worm disease enters ‘most difficult’ phase after 2022 reports only 13 human cases

[ad_1] The Carter Center said Tuesday that only 13 human cases of Guinea worm disease were reported worldwide last year. After decades of progress, the eradication program’s director cautioned the end phase of the global effort to eradicate the parasitic disease will be "the most difficult." The Atlanta-based center, founded by former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Eleanor Rosalynn Carter, said the remaining infections occurred in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa . Six human cases were reported in Chad, five in South Sudan, one in Ethiopia and one in the Central African Republic, which remains under investigation. DAVOS CONFERENCE SPEAKER SAYS CLIMATE CHANGE, MALARIA CONNECTED, AS ARE INFLATION AND TB That’s a significant drop from when former President Carter began leading the global eradication effort in 1986, when the disease infected 3.5 million people. The figures, which are provisional, are expected to be confirmed in the coming months. Children